A seed
When you look at a seed by itself, 
cradled in your palm, 
it can be hard to wrap your mind
around all that a seed is—
across time;
in changing seasons and landscapes;
in its interactions with the elements;
in its relationship to other seeds;

in its place among the lineage of seeds that came before it and all that will evolve from it.

Birth justice is like this too.

If you look at just one birth justice actor, or one moment of birth justice work, you won’t grasp all that birth justice is.

To understand the full complexity and bounty of our movement, we take up the challenge to observe and think more expansively, playing with this metaphor of the seed and its world of imagination, a frame upon which the landscape may unfold.

This tool holds many voices,
many writers, many visions.

Together, our hope is to pause, unearth, and ground: to orient ourselves to the climate in which we operate, locate our roles within the interconnected web of
this work, and strategize
for all our blooming.

How to navigate this site

We intentionally designed this “landscape analysis” to look and feel different from a typical report. To better reflect the treasure trove of nuanced data we gathered, we created this multimedia website to allow for nonlinear exploration. Choose your own adventure by selecting a portal below and reorient yourself at any time by visiting the Site Map. Throughout the site, links embedded into the text encourage you to jump to related sections (look for portal icons in the margins, like this one! →).

Allow the content to draw you in, delve thoroughly wherever you land, and probe beyond what feels comfortable, even beyond this website. Take breaks and come back again and again. Share far and wide.

What you see here is the result of continuous grappling, with the data and how to communicate it, with the fact that we are all arriving here from a different place, bringing different perspectives and knowledge. We invite you into this grappling with us, to riff with us, to disagree with us, to build upon this work.

This landscape analysis is a living document: take a cutting and see what grows in your own garden.

Choose a Portal:

A Seed’s Roots

OpeningSpiritual GroundingComplexityLineageEmbodiment